
Showing posts with the label Apple

Memilih gadget atau smartphone untuk bisnis online

  Penggunaan gadget seperti tablet dan smartphone untuk kegiatan bisnis, terutama bisnis online semakin semarak, terutama setelah global pandemi. Perusahaan daring besar Indonesia dan di berbagai negara memetik keuntungan besar dari jualan online, melebihi profit di masa lalu. Di Indonesia, bisnis online yang dilakukan perusahaan kecil maupun perorangan juga tumbuh dengan pesat.  Media sosial seperti WhatsUp, Instagram, Facebook atau Twitter, bahkan Tik Tok dan flatform lainnya bukan hanya menjadi wadah aspirasi dan ekspresi, melainkan sudah menjadi alat bisnis online. Kalangan muda milenial dan mereka yang berusia 40an ke atas yang sebelumnya menganggap remeh media sosial sebagai alat untuk berbisnis juga ikutan bermain Tik Tok, Facebook atau memaksimalkan WhatsUp group untuk memasarkan produknya.  Karena itu sangat penting untuk memilih gadget seperti tablet atau HP yang memiliki spesifikasi minimal yang bisa menunjang perujangan bisnis online, sehingga bisa bertumbuh dan pada akhirn

Android vs. iPhone, which one is suitable as a new companion

Many authors review the smartphone that provides a good assessment on the iPhone, and hailed as a smartphone that deserves to be owned, with many plus points. However for the hardcore fans of Android, will be very difficult to be tempted to use the iPhone, because they know the uniqueness and advantages if they use Android as the primary companion.   Android vs iPhone .  Image: The gadget enthusiast also understand, that the iPhone has an interesting design and advanced features like Touch ID. We believe, that the iPhone is a phone that is right for many people, but for some of you will definitely was saying that the Android experience can not be matched. With logic and simple analogy, the iPhone is a beautiful potential mate. But for the true fans of Android, which is like fiddling with their smartphones, would be able to feel the difference pretty much between Android and iPhone. If you want to buy a new smartphone, perhaps you could also consider a Windows

Is BlackBerry Classic just for the older generation?

Is John Chen, the CEO of BlackBerry can return to the heyday of the BlackBerry? Why Mark Zuckerberg the founder and CEO of Facebook met Jokowi, the new president of Indonesia? Is the unique steps of the Facebook founder will also be followed by BlackBerry and others?    BlackBerry Classic.   Image: After introducing the BlackBerry Passport at the end of last September, the BlackBerry is ready to launch the latest smartphone, the BlackBerry Classic. In this latest smartphone you will find a unique display of the latest BlackBerry, where you will look back at the classic 5 buttons that are already familiar with BlackBerry loyal users for years.  If you missed the original QWERTY keypad, the BlackBerry Classic which is a blend of retro style and advanced technology, then you need to be patient because the BlackBerry Classic is scheduled to be launched officially in November 2014. If you are a true fan of this Canadian product, you certainly understan

iPhone 6 vs. Samsung Galaxy S5

iPhone 6 vs Samsung Galaxy S5.   Image: As in the world of digital cameras, there is tough competition between Canon vs Nikon, as well as in the world of smart phones, Samsung has become a competitor to the iPhone, even had to sue each other for copyright or patent matters. iPhone is known for its expensive price, and produced luxury phones, so users feel proud to use the iPhone. Meanwhile, Samsung is now more famous for its smartphone products not just for it's high-end version, this South Korean gadget manufacturer also makes a version that can be reached by all segments of society in the whole world. But okay, now we discuss both of the high-end smartphones, Samsung Galaxy S5 and iPhone 6. Just for the record, the iPhone 6 is produced in two versions usual, and iPhone 6 plus. Likewise, the Samsung Galaxy S5 also has a brother, the Samsung Galaxy S5 Mini. What are the differences of these two smart phones? Let's see now.