Canon EOS 800D VS Nikon D3400 a special review and comparison

It is always interesting to observe the Canon VS Nikon competition in the digital camera world, especially for the category of DSLR, whether entry level, midrange, professional or high-end (full-frame). New photographers who want to continue their hobby in the field of photography are also caught up in the myth of the Nikon VS Canon rivalry. You do not have to worry, you can compare the Nikon D3400 VS Canon EOS 800D, which has some similarities suitable for beginner photographers, and anyone who wants to pursue photography activities in a more serious direction. With the Nikon D3400 you can shoot and share DSLR quality images with great ease. Nikon's SnapBridge¹ keeps the camera connected to the smart device such as tablet, smartphone or other similar devices via Bluetooth to allow you to sync your photos at the time of shooting. You just have to take the smartphone: the photos are instantly stored and ready to be shared, without problems and without a waste of time. Nik...