Nikon D900 a real rumor or fake?

Nikon D900 a real rumor or fake?

We all understand that the competition Canon and Nikon cameras are always interesting, especially the lovers of Nikon and Canon. After Canon and Sony launched the Canon 5DS / R and Sony A7R II, the Nikon also will enchant you with the Nikon D900. The D900 is the successor of the Nikon D810. However, you might be a little confused because there are rumors that mentions that the D810 replacement will be named as the Nikon D850.

Anyway it does not matter, until there is an official announcement from the company, we call it as the Nikon D900. So, what features of the D900 compared to the predecessor? If you want to make a video in 4K resolution, then this is a great news for you. That said, the Nikon D900 will be equipped with the ability to make a movie or video in 4K resolution. If you already have LED TV with 4K feature, then you will enjoy video content with very high sharpness, beyond Full-HD.
Nikon rumor, Nikon rumors, Nikon D900, new nikon camera, Nikon DSLR, 4K UHD video,
Nikon D900. Image: 

According to unofficial information from several websites that discuss the Nikon D900, it is rumored that this DSLR camera will have the specs and features as follows:

52MP FX-Format CMOS Sensor
New Multi-CAM AF Sensor
Internal UHD 4K Video
Base ISO start from ISO 32
EXPEED 4 Image Processor
No Optical Low Pass Filter

Does this rumor have a strong base? If you do not believe, then I cannot blame you. Maybe the rumors about Nikon D900 is deliberately created by the true enthusiast Nikon, and they hope that soon make an official announcement on a successor to the Nikon D810. The photographers just hope, especially the budding photographers - they want a new digital SLR camera with a reasonable price - given the current economic situation.

Nikon, Canon, Olympus, Sony and other camera companies would be able to answer the dream of photographers around the world in the best way. Similarly, lens makers such as Sigma, Tamron, Samyang, Zeiss and other great companies can also provide support with a good lens, but at attractive prices, and greater than the Canon or Nikon.


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